
The concept of sustainable energy research, as realized by CEaS, involves a multi-disciplinary effort to address issues of making existing energy technologies more efficient while pursuing emerging alternate energy technologies that are not reliant on fossil fuels. We conduct transformative research to promote energy diversity, efficiency, and sustainability while training diverse and talented engineers and scientists to catalyze change in this field. We also engage policymakers, schools, and the public to ensure that the technological advances are robust, widely understood and adopted.

Research Thrust Areas

The Center involves 28 faculty members from eight interdisciplinary departments at Cal State LA who lead efforts in 5 research thrust areas. Several projects address short-term mitigations of current energy concerns, while some projects address long-term goals of moving away from carbon-based energy dependence.

Advanced Materials for Photovoltaic Cells

Microfluidic-based Fuel Cells and Optimization

Properties and Applications of Overdoped High-Temperature Superconductors

Modeling and Simulation

Education and Outreach